london, tak sah kalau tak pergi malaysian hall. support malaysia okay! (:

was suppose to go to paris the next day but i didnt ): i was sick. plus i was busy shopping at oxford street ;p but kakak aku and abg zarul and sofieya pergi. dorang kata mahal. seb baik aku tak pegi. ngee ;p

and then the next day, headed to coventry,

by train.

layan perasaan duduk sorangsorang. wuwu T.T

sampai coventry. then we went shopping :D
esok pulak, pegi jumpa robin hood kat sherwood forest,

aceylamaak sedondon lah pulak :D

tengok major oak tree. HAHA! thats kak su, we stayed at her house.

bila family amek gambar, aku lah atuk ;p
pastu roundround.
the next day pergi birmingham city stadium,

and then to aston villa

petang tu lepas shopping (lagi), pergi park, where malaysian kat coventry to gather and play football. as for us? tgk sudah. hehe.
after 3days in coventry, byebye ): sedapp ohh kak su masak and anak die cute gilaa! niam and safwah,

byebye niam. byebye safwah ):
balik london balik. but on the way balik london, singgah tempat shakespere ni.
stamford upon avon kot? heh.

tu rumah shakespere. heheh.

garden die.

then ada tempat boatboat ni. layan.

rumah hantu. haha.
then its back in london. the whole week in oxford street. i spent alot. aiyaaak. takde shopping raya dah.
last two days before kitorg balik msia, STAMFORD BRIDGE! :DD

bila aku jumpa husband, HAHA!

HAHA di apit oleh frank lampard dan john terry okayhhhh! ;p
dah. pastu oxford street lagi. banyak buang masa kat sana. pastu bye london. hello malaysia -.-'
p/s : malas nak post la weyy.
saraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....zee nak itut dua2 babak cuti cuti sara nih..uwaaaaaaaa seronok nyer pegi sane...saraaaaaaa jgn bwk virus balik taw...bwk balik ole2 xpe heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... :D
haha virus dah berkepul kepul nak kasik zee ni agaga
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