Thursday, March 27, 2008
apek and sham sengal.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
ahaa so i was abit bored in the car. ambik je la gambar sikit sikit. sampai je kat proton, i saw the new gen2. and i fell in love. haihh. then my ayah started askinkg the sales person about the price and stuff. my ayah said 'no can do'. im like WHAT??!! i want this. so badly :( he said its expensive for me. hey im a good driver lah! huhu. why do you have to let me down? i want you. you stole my heart bitch. and now, i hate you. wahahaha!!!
haha watever. i moved on. cuz i heard this hot sexy stylin baby satria neo calling my name. and this time, im seriously in love. yaryar im stupid. haha. i mean, its like so sporty and cute too. its small and super super cute. and i want it. haha. then ayah settle some stuff with that pacik. ayah said maybe i will be getting that car. ngaa! yay! hey, its better than myvi la okayy! (no offence) kahkah.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
pity pity him.
was 'syok sendiri'-ing. blergh.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
the big dayy =S
on9 pnye on9 tgk jam dah pukul 9.plan nk gerak skola pukul sambung la on9. then suddenly the house phone was ringing. turns out to be li, my cousin. saying yg dia dah dapat result. omg he's damn good weyh!! result dia mmg puas ati gila ahh! kentang ohh! lepas chat ngn dia, my nervous tiba2 dtg balik. so aku pon pegi la siap2 utk ke skola.
ppl keep calling n text me.adoii sabar la aku pegi skola pon belum da tanya mcm2! grr! haha then i met G kat depan skola. suara dia menggeletar je. meet up ngn few friends yg aku rindu gila babi! haha hug2 jap, lega2 jap (wakakaa) then pegi la meja yg bertulis 5A1. pergh! ada seram gak ah. byk plak benda nk kena sign before dpt result. da mcm artis pon ada. so da sign sume, i got my result. OHHH sgt best.haha. i cant tell u how i did but all i can say is, im proud of myself n i did wat i could. thats my target n i get wat i wanted. alhamdulillah. though its not as good as some of my peeps but im still happy with it.
haha sham, on the other hand was so dissapointed with his result though i dont think its dat bad. muka dia touching je bcoz dia x dpt ape yg dia target. but it wasnt that bad lah syg! ergh! look at his face. mengade n poyo gila! tension gila kua ngn dia tadi. x abes2 talk about his result. tapi i manage to cool him down. hahaha. we went out for lunch n talk n laugh n ohh byk gila ah kitorg borak. keh3. lepas smua tu, he send me home. it was kinda fun. well i'll post more blogs later. chow.