
Saturday, June 21, 2008

that brat is finally 3,

well not exactlyy. her actual birthday is next week but since i will be going to melaka so they decided to throw the party a week earlier. and she's no brat. thats how kids are kan kan? zzz -_-'

the party was held in shakey's pizza taman tun. aiyehh. the place i tell uu, so old school punye. haha. but the party was fun indeed :D makan like nobody's business oke! food. omg like gila byk sampai i couldnt barely walk weyhh. haihh.

i wasnt suppose to sleep after subuh prayer utk tolong tolong prepare some stuff la kaan. my duty was to actually make sandwiches. but noeing sara aqilah yg memang pemalas nak mampos, i passed out until 10.30. lepas tu cam bangang turun2 bawah tanye ade bende nak tolong tak. then tengok tengok everything dah tersedia and tersiap. haha.

oke, forget bout the sandwiches. i was suppose to follow my parents to klcc to buy sofieya's prezzie. butttttt well u've guessed it, aku sambung tidooooo. HAHA! im sorry. i was furrrreaaakkinnggg sleepy oke. sheesh. ayah aku balik from klcc pun aku x bgn lagi. biahahahah. so he woke me up. anddd i didnt get anything for baby sofieyaa. oke im one lousyy aunty, sue me. heee ;P

reached shakey's around 2pm. kayh. first thing we saw was this signboard infront of shakey's.

dah la salah eja. gila. haha.
haha then we went upstairs. settle settle barang dulu. then few kids came. ohh ni smua relatives (:
cute douu dorg tapi nakal ya amat. so aku malas nak layan, aku makan :D

see that girl in pink gown? hee thats the birthdayy girll :DD
mula mula minum airr. aceyy konon nye malu la nak amek food kan. lepas tu aku kebas byk gilaaa. haha fifi lagi ar, berpinggan pinggan. gahahahahah!

then ze cousin, ze best friend came!!! :DD hee more funnnn! gelak gelak mcm hyena dou. huduh betull. ish ish.

yaahaaa i was the photographer for the day so pictures from my phone tak byk. kat kakak aku pnye camera byk byk la smua aku snap :DD but no usb to upload so sorraaayhhh.

kitorg asyik cerita pasal kambing and lintah je. hahaa. gelak gelak menggila. then ade la lagi org dtg, dan aku pun makan makan la lagi. adehh.

lepas smua org blah, aku masih menyumbat muka aku lagii. HAHAH! sorry sorry it all looked soo tempting. heeee.

balik around 6 something? hmmph tak igt. balik balik bukak prezzies. ouhh jeles. haha. da la aku x bg pape pastu nak jeles jeles. tah laa. haha. ohh i skipped dinner :D seriouslyy i was so fulll until now. hah. hope it last until tomorrow.

malam aku buat checklist dgn chu. list out all the things im gonna bring there to melaka. im damn tired now. will update more later alritee. nites :D

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