yang paling best bila balik je dapat pocket money! WHOOT WHOOT! (yea i noe im lame.)
no pics from yesterday cuz nothing special happened. it was freaking hot back there in batu pahat! i feel like showering setiap jam. huh! i was sweating like a pig! so sampai2 je batu pahat, lepak jap pastu tido.
adeh.. not much to do these dayss. nak on9 pun ada yg menyemak nak sebok2 tgk ape aku nak buat.
bodoh je. wat a life -_-'
and i felt guilty these days.. huh. mls nak cte. nnt ada je yg busybody kaan. hahaha! sape makan cili dia la terase pedas. BODOH! ishh.
okayy today i went to visit my cousin LI at kem nasuhah, pagoh. PLKN (: ohh i missed him!
i mean, he's my best cousin (after hani) and i share almost everything with him.
first thing i noticed about him when i saw him today, he was thinner and taller! yet tougher! arghh!!! jealous gila dohh!! feel like signing myself off to plkn. i mean, rather than sitting at home like BABI! eeee!!!! HAHAAH BODOHHHHH!!!! ok. cut the crap.
then dah lepas rindu semua, we're off to kl. balik pj dah kesian li. tak dapat pun nak jumpe dia lama2. i didnt get the chance to talk to him. i mean, i did, but sikit sikit je. adehh. missing him tho ): sempat satu pic je ):
then off to kl. before that sempat singgah baskin robbin. ayah bought me this;
makan makan, journey bosan nak mati dalam keta. pastu singgah nilai jap. haaa. bosan la lagi kan. then baru balik pj. sampai pj around 3. and later i have guitar lesson at 5. adehh penat la okayhh! rase cam nak mati je. huhu. and im a bit stressed out. fikri and apiz, im sorry ):
alrite im off to my class!
cant wait for tomorrow!!! bye people!
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